I have officially resigned as an NYIT director.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
So there has been a lot going on over the past couple of months. Smash had some severe problems internally a while back and the affects of certain incidents are still greatly felt in the NYIT Gangstaz corporation. People were accusing Peoke of stealing money from alliance donations and using the alliance funds to build his new Aeon mothership instead of putting them towards outpost upgrades.
At that point, NYIT pvp was as good as ever. We had corp pvp ops going at least every other day. We ran dozens of successful pvp ops in 87-, Geminate, and the surrounding regions. All was well at that time. Shortly after that, Rhetoricus (our corp fc at the time) left to form his own mercenary corp, thanks to the Peoke situation our members had partially started. Nearly every pvper in NYIT joined him and left us with about 170 carebears, spies, isk farmers, and a CEO that had gone AWOL for the next two months, only to log in and ask myself for a 200 million isk donation so he could purchase a new battleship.
I put in my two weeks notice a few days ago and will be out of corp before Friday, the 28th of December. The last six or seven attempts at planning a corp pvp op have gone south. It seems every time I look at corp chat, it's always about mining this; mining that. Whenever someone talks about combat, it's all talk and the odds of it actually being true are slim to none. Honestly, I'm no longer proud to be in NYIT and I've been looking at my employment options. It's rather funny because the moment I finalized my decision was Friday at 1601 GMT when our co-CEO thearrowofapollo didn't even show up for his own pvp op.
I also wanted to make clear that NYIT can keep the 2.3 billion isk I've donated over the past four months. It's time to move on. Take care guys. I hope you get your pvp up to par. If that happens, I might make a return in the future.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Firstly, I'd like to point out that Murder-Death-Kill (MD-K) surrendered after a two week-long formal declaration of war to SMASHKill. Unlike Rens 911 and the Hungarian Operational Team, they attempted to put up a fight when the odds were almost even. Unlike SMASHKill, however, they did continuously run from fights when the odds were even or in their favor. I'll admit there were a couple of fun fights against the bastards, but in most cases, we rallied the troops that weren't in FREGE space to demolish MD-K pilots, but by the time we would warp to the Oijanen gate at our optimals to fight, they were already jumping through and sometimes even in warp to Airaken or Akora before we were on the gate.
Random 'tid bits' on my mind:
-DAV3Y JON3S and company left FREGE, making Domus Fatalis the newest member of 'Knights Of the Southerncross.' That means they're blue.
-NYIT destroyed a Hungarian Claymore in empire. Yarr. http://interexodus.com/Smash/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=15162
-Big Russ lost another Chimera today. That's his second carrier loss in the last five months.
-Mercenary Coalition lost their titan on September 28th. I know it's old news, but we all hate MC. It's good to remind the general public of something as awesome as that.
-In time, NYIT will take over the number one spot on the alliance killboard. We just broke into the top 10 this month and we're well on our way. http://interexodus.com/Smash/?a=alliance_detail&all_id=5&view=corp_kills
-Remind me to post some screenshots for you guys. Yarr x 2.
SMASHKill is as healthy as ever. We're killing more tards, taking more systems, making more isk, and having more fun.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
SMASHKill - 1
MD-K and friends - 0
gf - except don't run away like a bunch of pussies next time. Please stay and get slaughtered.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
'Euphoria' is a medically recognized emotional state related to happiness. This was the emotional state I was in, last night, after the tyrant-wannabe, DAV3Y JON3S, jumped into MJ-5. The famous trickster, flying a tech 1 fitted Raven, was 'eeeensta-popped' and nearly podded at the TDP gate, but narrowly escaped due to the extreme lag in the node. Perhaps he will learn what ships are meant to armor tank (1600mm plate fitted - on a Raven) in the near future, although it's extremely unlikely he'll be able to figure that out.
According to the SMASH Killboard, it was a 159 blue man vs 146 red man fleet battle. 140 FREGE were demolished and only 6 blues were popped. According to the RK killboard, it was a 165 blue man vs 171 red man fleet battle. FREGE lost 106 ships and friendy forces only lost a total of 5. Either way, FREGE failed to do anything except lose a few billion isk worth of battleships. That said, MJ- is now SMASHkill space.
I learned something new yesterday. That something new was: IRON apparantly betrayed the Northern Coalition and sided with the FREGE Alliance & fellow pansies. Looks like they'll never get my help again, especially after attempting to camp a system down the pipe so the good guys couldn't get any more support. Some people never cease to amaze me.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
I've been rather busy over the past few weeks with mining, drone ratting, participating in fleet battles, and running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.
2007. Hostile FREGE fleet jumps into MJ-5F9 after friendly forces camp the system and attempt to wipe out the POS network. Hostiles lose 62 ships and Smashkill lose nothing during this initial engagement. Wanting revenge, FREGE and friends assemble a gank force triple the size of our fleet. They came back and practically 'hurt' our forces. It has been all out war in MJ- since. Total losses on both sides to this point have been calculated to be an estimated 6 billion isk, according to internal sources. Soon enough, MJ- will be our space.
Insomniac0 stepped down from the role of CEO and Latin Assassin has taken over. Recruiting has been ramped up and the size of the corporation has doubled since I joined one month ago. The way things are running, I don't expect this to change. NYIT will continue to recruit until the end of time. That said, our jump bridge network has grown as well. One of our pvp specialists, known as 'SD,' sent me a list of all jump bridge locations and passwords. If you would like a copy, just send Jangizal an EVE Mail. I'll get that sent out as soon as possible.
Friday, August 17, 2007
[ 2007.08.17 02:25:05 ] * > how many carreirs?
[ 2007.08.17 02:25:13 ] * > 3 carriers
In preparation for the next op, I suggest we nominate some people that can count. I will allow those people to scout for me. That said, we jumped into D-I and here we are, cloaked 18 km off the gate, awaiting our orders. We ran into a few problems at that point. Half the ships camping the gate were capitals and our fc was lagging. His speech was cutting in and out during most of the trip, but this was especially bad. It was next to impossible to hear what he was saying, but he did his best and repeated the primary several times in hopes everyone would understand. IRC deployed eight carriers during the fight, piloted by Belag, Mandreh, Nait Shariel, dullblade, outlaw1968, Circe Sphinx, Dibrle, and Cobray. They also deployed an Aeon, flown by oldma.
Pilots decloaked and we started taking down the support ships one by one. The Megathron was popped within three minutes of the fight, but the Raven lasted a good 10-12 minutes. Before I lost my ships, I was able to get my name on the killmails for a Dominix, two Caracals, a Vagabond, a Drake, an Abaddon, a Rupture, and a Rapier. Once oldma and friends sent all of their fighters to me, it was all over. My shield tank was unable to hold up for even 30 seconds. In the end, I can tell you that it was a good fight. I went out there expecting to lose a pair of battleships, did what I could to support Smashkill, and had fun doing it.
You can find the summary of the fight by contacting SXyWhile or Jangizal.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Very recently, SMASH was sent up north to help support some allies after a 500+ man fleet rolled in and put several POSs into reinforced mode. The alliance will likely be there the next few days, getting things straightened out and back to normal. Taking a look at the Smash killboard, you will find that there was a large engagement not too long ago and five-six carrier kills were posted. Nice work to the alliance and friends. Unfortunately, the backup fleet (the one I was in), was slowed by two separate groups of large bubbles a few jumps out, so we made our presence known about three to four minutes too late. Since then, I've been in a few pvp ops with several different corporations / alliances from the Northern Coalition and just in the last 24 hours, I've flown under four different FCs. I'm definitely interested in doing the fleet commander task, but I would like to know my area extremely well. It won't be long before I'm a fleet commander for folks...which reminds me. I need to get my leadership skills up.
Monday, July 30, 2007
I've been doing a few things to improve relations with this group of pvpers every chance I get. One of the effects that I think all pilots should be aware of, so far, has been the invitation of all SXyCreW pilots to the 'NYIT Gangstaz' Public Chat Channel. Because of this, I invited all of their pilots to join the SXyCreW public channel as well. I was glad to see the CEO of that corporation was excited to work together to eliminate any pirate threats in the local area.
That said, I wanted to touch up on a little bit of what I've been up to over my break from work. I installed EVE Online on two machines at my parent's home and moved them side-by-side, trying my best to duplicate my setup from Beale. I was able to meet up with GeeK himself, the first time in two - three years. We caught up, had dinner, played some Wii, and talked a bit on his plans with SXy. After that, I went camping near Brainerd with Jason and Lizzy for the weekend. I took a few pictures and nearly burned down half of Minnesota (big fire = good times). After we made our way back to the cities, I drove up to Cheapo and bought some used CDs for about 1/3 the normal price. I got my father interested in EVE as well as Jason and Mac. We'll see if they catch on like I did. Ahh yes, can't forget. I was slightly bored and decided to fit my Rokh with eight miner ii's. It didn't perform quite as well as a single retriever with two strip miner's, but it could tank any rat in the game.
When I fly back to Beale AFB, I'll ask Ben when he'll be able to purchase a computer and, perhaps, within a month, he'll take back his character, Seros Kal, for good. Also, concerning characters: many people don't seem to realize that I fly Jangizal, SXyWhile, Acki Juc, emphomana, and Seros Kal at the moment, as well as several other trader alts. If any of these characters are chattin' with you, you can just call me the same damn thing. You don't have to all me by my character's name. You can just call me "While." Cheers.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I had arrived in Minnesota on the 19th and I will be at this location until Wednesday the 1st. Until then, my activity level in EVE Online will be minimal. I likely will do zero pvp as I will only have one computer available throughout this two week period. Should my internet finally actually be hooked up by Comcast, Jangizal and company will be active participants with SXy CreW operations on a daily basis, starting August 2nd. I plan to give folks an update as my vacation passes.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
During the past 24 hours, I've attempted to get into low-sec and stir up some trouble, but all I've been able to catch so far is the following:
2007.06.30 09:12
Victim: DrBiologist
Alliance: NONE
Corp: State War Academy
Destroyed: Capsule
System: Oijanen
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: * (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.3
Alliance: NONE
Corp: SXyCreW
Ship: Abaddon
Weapon: Tachyon Modal Laser I
2007.06.30 10:06
Victim: Quinn Morann
Alliance: Ivy League
Corp: Eve University
Destroyed: Osprey
System: Oijanen
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: *
Security: 4.5
Alliance: NONE
Corp: SXyCreW
Ship: Caracal
Weapon: Heavy Missile Launcher I
Name: Guristas Nihilist / Guristas
Name: * (laid the final blow)
Security: 0.2
Alliance: NONE
Corp: SXyCreW
Ship: Megathron
Weapon: Ogre I
Destroyed items:
Miner II
Mining Laser Upgrade I
2007.06.30 21:07
Victim: Kain Hellvis
Alliance: NONE
Corp: State War Academy
Destroyed: Merlin
System: Oijanen
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: Guristas Anarchist / Guristas
Name: *
Security: 4.1
Alliance: NONE
Corp: SXyCreW
Ship: Caracal
Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile
Name: * (laid the final blow)
Security: 0.0
Alliance: NONE
Corp: SXyCreW
Ship: Megathron
Weapon: Ogre I
Destroyed items:
Standard Missile Launcher I
50mm Reinforced Crystalline Carbonide Plates I
Bloodclaw Light Missile, Qty: 711 (Cargo)
Bloodclaw Light Missile, Qty: 39