[ 2007.08.17 02:25:05 ] * > how many carreirs?
[ 2007.08.17 02:25:13 ] * > 3 carriers
In preparation for the next op, I suggest we nominate some people that can count. I will allow those people to scout for me. That said, we jumped into D-I and here we are, cloaked 18 km off the gate, awaiting our orders. We ran into a few problems at that point. Half the ships camping the gate were capitals and our fc was lagging. His speech was cutting in and out during most of the trip, but this was especially bad. It was next to impossible to hear what he was saying, but he did his best and repeated the primary several times in hopes everyone would understand. IRC deployed eight carriers during the fight, piloted by Belag, Mandreh, Nait Shariel, dullblade, outlaw1968, Circe Sphinx, Dibrle, and Cobray. They also deployed an Aeon, flown by oldma.
Pilots decloaked and we started taking down the support ships one by one. The Megathron was popped within three minutes of the fight, but the Raven lasted a good 10-12 minutes. Before I lost my ships, I was able to get my name on the killmails for a Dominix, two Caracals, a Vagabond, a Drake, an Abaddon, a Rupture, and a Rapier. Once oldma and friends sent all of their fighters to me, it was all over. My shield tank was unable to hold up for even 30 seconds. In the end, I can tell you that it was a good fight. I went out there expecting to lose a pair of battleships, did what I could to support Smashkill, and had fun doing it.
You can find the summary of the fight by contacting SXyWhile or Jangizal.